Ad Astra Information

Ad Astra is the tool that Monroe Community College uses for its non-academic and academic scheduling needs. This software allows Records and Registration to schedule classes and Campus Events to schedule events on the same platform and decreases the amount of time for requests to be processed. The Software cannot be accessed outside of the MCC community.

The Benefits of Ad Astra

  • This centralized calendar allows users to see classes and events on all three campuses: The Applied Technologies Center, Brighton and Downtown.
  • You can see when events are happening and their location
  • You have access to descriptions of classroom space such as the seating capacity, room type and type of furniture.


For an overview of Ad Astra and to learn how to log in, view calendars and rooms, as well as request facilities, please email Yolanda Johnson (

If you are interested in how to search for Academic classes and rooms, please email Lyndsey Presutti (

Frequently Asked Questions

For additional questions please contact (585) 292-TECH.

Who do I contact regarding rooms on Ad Astra?
To utilize a classroom, lecture hall, smart room or computer lab for an academic purpose such as your class, please contact Records and Registration at (585) 232-2300.

In order to utilize a meeting room, classroom, lecture hall and/or computer lab (labs in building 9 and 11 only), where the request will not require any services (ex. food, parking, IT, etc.) or resources (ex. additional tables, chairs, table covers, etc.), please complete and submit the Brighton Campus Event/Meeting Request and/or Applied Technologies Center Request Ad Astra online form. For any other locations at the Brighton Campus, Applied Technologies Center or Downtown Campus (High Falls A/B only), please contact Campus Events at (585) 292-2010.

In order to utilize space for an event at the Downtown Campus outside of High Falls A/B, complete and submit a DC Long or Short Request Ad Astra online form or please contact Antonia Custodio at (585) 656-6106.

How do I request access to Ad Astra?
MCC users do not need to request access to Ad Astra. There is a user role called MCC guest that allows all active directory employees into Ad Astra. If a user requires additional access, please contact the Campus Events Office.

What if I cannot sign on?
Many users don’t realize that they are using their old Ad Astra password. Ad Astra is now on the Cloud so users only need one sign-in via the new link using their MCC email address and password.

Where is the link for Ad Astra?
Ad Astra is available online (

What can be scheduled on Ad Astra through the Campus Events Office?

  • Classrooms, lecture halls, and smart classrooms when used in a non-academic fashion (Please note that some rooms are departmentally owned and require special permission before they be can approve such as departmentally owned labs.)
  • The Campus Events Meeting Rooms – Building 3, room 113, 115, 116, 117 and 118, as well as 10-182
  • Computer labs – 11-101, 102, 104, 109, 111, 9-247, 251, 253, 255, 259 and 261
  • Zoom Webinars

What cannot be scheduled on Ad Astra?

  • Monroe A/B, the Empire Room, the Forum, Campus Center Atrium, Terrace, the Brighton Room, Gym, PAC Field House, Theater and High Falls A/B. These facilities require planning including set ups, food, cleaning, etc. For these locations we ask that you call a Campus Events representative directly for assistance.
  • Library Rooms can be reserved through the Library Spaces and Room Bookings webpage. You are not required to contact Campus Events for these rooms.
  • Departmentally owned meeting rooms including: 6-100G, the AHY Conference Room (Building 1, Room 320), Third Floor Conference Room (Building 1, Room 307), the Board Room (Building, 1, Room 325) and the ETS Strategy room can be scheduled via Outlook. You are not required to contact Campus Events for these rooms.

I submitted an event request and I did not get a confirmation. Did it go through the system?
There is a task manager in Ad Astra and periodically it goes down. Please contact the Campus Events office if you do receive a confirmation within 24 hours of your submission.

When should I expect a response from my request?
The Campus Events Office requires 72 business hours to process your request. If you need a room within a day or two we ask that you please either email a Campus Events Representative or call the Campus Events office at (585) 292-2010.

Do I still need to complete the Campus Events Application?
The Campus Events application needs to be submitted for any event held in a conference location (Monroe A/B, Forum, Brighton, Empire, Terrace, Campus Center Atrium, North Dining, Gilman Lounge and High Falls A/B), gym, Theatre and external locations and for when additional resources are needed for classrooms, lecture halls, meeting rooms, smart rooms or unique locations (hallways or departmentally owned rooms).

Ad Astra seems to be slow or down. Is it working?
If you encounter a lapse in the time for an event request please contact the Campus Events office.

How do I find a specific event on the calendar?
Click on the Calendars option, click on Scheduling Grids. Amend the date and edit the search filter to find the building your event was held in.

When I open the calendar no classes or events show up?
Double check that your filters are set properly by clicking "Advance Search Option" under the “Rooms” option. Ensure that you are on the correct campus. You can adjust any other filter option under this section (Location Filters). Do not adjust any other fields beyond this area without contacting the Campus Events office for guidance.

I can’t find my event on the Event list?
Click on the event tab and then Events. In the filter section (left side) populate the fields that will help you find your event. For the "keyword" be sure that you are not too specific as Ad Astra is sensitive and will try to match exactly what you typed to your event name. If you know part of your event name you can use the % symbol as a wild card. For example, your event is Faculty Professional Development try searching for %Professional%.

How do I request to host a Zoom Webinar?
Campus Events and Learning Resources have collaborated to integrate webinar requests for Monroe Community College by using Ad Astra. Webinar requests must be submitted online. The webinar request process is based on the workflow used to reserve meeting or conference spaces on campus. Please refer to our Ad Astra Webinar Request Information page to learn more about scheduling a webinar.